Here are substances you should keep away from your dog:
Alcohol: Avoid all adult beverages, such as beer, wine, and liquor. Opt for water to keep your dog safe. Alcohol ingestion can lead to symptoms like vomiting, reduced appetite, increased thirst and urination, unsteady gait, weakness, and even collapsing.
Avocados: Avocado contains a fungal toxin called persin, which, when consumed, can cause serious health problems in dogs, including vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal issues.
Caffeine: Steer clear of caffeinated beverages like espresso and energy drinks. Caffeine can pose serious health risks and may even be fatal to your dog. Signs of caffeine ingestion include vomiting, irregular heartbeat, excessive panting, anxiety, seizures, and collapsing.
Chocolate: For dogs, the darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is. Avoid letting your dog partake in this human treat and explore safe chocolate alternatives designed for dogs.
Corn Cobs: Despite resembling chew toys, corn cobs can lead to severe illness or necessitate surgery if swallowed. Look out for symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, reduced appetite, difficulty defecating, abdominal pain, fatigue, rapid heart rate, or collapsing if your dog gets into a corn cob.
Fruit Pits: Prevent your dog from consuming pits found in fruits like avocados, peaches, plums, and cherries. Swallowing a pit may require surgical intervention and can result in symptoms like vomiting, decreased appetite, abdominal pain, lowered energy, elevated heart rate, diarrhea, or difficulty defecating.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grapes, Raisins & Currants: Keep these small fruits away from your dog as they can harm their kidneys.
Macadamia Nuts: Macadamia nuts can cause temporary loss of control in a dog's back legs. It's best to keep your dog away from all nuts, which can become lodged in their windpipe or stomach.
Meat Fat: Ensure your dog avoids fatty meat scraps like bacon and steak trimmings, as they can lead to stomach upset or even pancreatitis.
Onions, Garlic & Chives: The consumption of onions, garlic, or chives can break down your dog's red blood cells, resulting in anemia and potentially necessitating blood transfusions.
Raw Yeast Dough: The yeast in unbaked dough can expand in your dog's stomach, causing blockages and even alcohol poisoning. If you suspect your dog has ingested some, offer them a bowl of ice water to slow the yeast activation and call a veterinarian immediately.
Unripe Tomatoes: While ripe tomatoes are safe for dogs, unripe ones are highly toxic, causing gastrointestinal issues, irregular heart rate, confusion, drowsiness, weakness, changes in behavior, and more.
Xylitol: This natural sugar substitute is found in various products like sugar-free gum, low-calorie snacks, certain brands of peanut butter, and unexpected items such as mouthwash and chewable vitamins. Keep Xylitol away from your dog's reach as even small amounts can be extremely dangerous to them.
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