Dogs need to be cool and comfy when it’s hot outside. They have a few sweat glands, but not as many as humans. They mainly cool down by panting, having more blood near their skin, and sweating a little from their paws and ears. Panting lets out heat from their lungs, while having more blood near their skin helps them lose heat. Their paws and ears have some sweat glands that help a bit with cooling. Their fur also helps them stay warm or cool, depending on the weather. Some dogs have thick fur that needs more care in the heat.
Here are some tips to help your dog stay cool and comfy in the heat:
Give them shade and water
Dogs can get too hot in the sun. Make sure they have a place to hide from the sun outside and keep them inside when it’s very hot. Also, give them water that is cool and clean all day.
Keep your home cool: 
Your home can also get hot inside. Open windows, use fans or air conditioning to make it nice for your dog.
Give them frozen treats and toys: 
You can make or buy frozen treats for your dog, like popsicles, fruits, or chews. You can also freeze some toys for them to play with. This will help them cool down and have fun.
Wet their paws and let them swim: 
You can help your dog cool down by putting their paws in cool water. Dogs sweat from their paws, so this helps them a lot. If your dog likes water, you can also let them play in a pool, but watch them carefully.
Use a raised or cooling bed: 
Get your dog a bed that is off the ground or has water or special material inside. This will keep them cooler than lying on the floor.
Check the pavement before walking: 
The pavement can be very hot and burn your dog’s paws. To see if it’s safe, touch it with back of your hand for five seconds. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your dog.
Play outside when it’s cooler: 
When it’s very hot, avoid playing outside with your dog during the day. Play with them in the morning or evening when it’s cooler. 
Always make sure that your dog has access to plenty of fresh, clean, cool water; even while on walks.  
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